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                Service industry
                Creating Excellence
                Sunshine new technology(tianjin)group co.,ltd. was established in 1996, Our main business includes fine chemicals and equipment required for industrial equipment maintenance, parts machining, metal processing, and other fields.For nearly 30 years serving the Chinese industry, Sunshine new technology group has continuously provided cleaning, maintenance, and component processing solutions to tens of thousands of enterprises, and has become a well-known brand trusted by customers.
                There are currently 6 subsidiaries under the group, with a total registered capital of 153 million yuan. It has 22 branches nationwide, with a sales network covering more than 150 cities and products exported to multiple countries and regions.
                In addition to the headquarters base in Tianjin, Sunshine new technology group invested 130 million yuan in 2018 to establish a second production base in Tangshan, Hebei Province.
                The base utilizes DCS and SIS systems to achieve full automation of production, laying the foundation for the comprehensive improvement of product services.
                • PRIMETECH
                  Main process cleaning and maintenance chemicals.
                • HUAYANG YONSHENG
                  The second production base of the group.
                • LEICHT
                  Mainly engaged in high-end metal processing fluids and solvent chemicals.
                • FRANK
                  Joint venture with German company Frank,Main environmentally friendly cleaning equipment.
                • ZHONGHUI TAICHANG
                  Main power enterprise operation and maintenance services
                • PUHUA HENGSHENG
                  Focusing on inspection and testing, technology development, and other businesses
                Six wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries

                       In 2011, Sunshine new technology completed the collectivization reform and successively established four subsidiaries, including Sunshine Yongsheng New Materials Technology Hebei Co., Ltd., Leicht Chem (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Frank (Tianjin) Environmental Equipment Co., Ltd., and Puhua Hengsheng (Tianjin) Testing Co., Ltd., Four subsidiary companies and four business units, including railways, military industry, aerospace, and aviation, have become an enterprise group with six subsidiary companies, forming a new strategic pattern of simultaneous development of upstream and downstream industries and concentric multi angle development.
                China Industrial Cleaning Association
                Vice Chairman Unit
                As the vice chairman unit of the China Industrial Cleaning Association, Sunshine new technology group has been highly recognized by the government and industry in terms of technological innovation and social contributions.
                The company has successively won the National High tech Enterprise, China Patent Excellence Award, and China Annual Preferred Employer; Tianjin Enterprise Technology Center, Tianjin Taxation A-level Enterprise, and other honors.
                In 2021, Sunshine new technology group, as one of the only ten enterprises in Tianjin, was recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a "specialized, refined, unique, and new small giant enterprise" and began to enjoy central financial support.
                Since its establishment, the group has always regarded scientific research and independent innovation as the highest strategy of the enterprise. After more than 20 years of development, we have gradually established a well-established and professional technical team.
                The product and production system have successively passed ISO9001, ISO14001 system, weapon and equipment quality management system, and US NSF certification, and have been approved for the design and production of chemical products for civil aviation.
                The various products developed by Sunshine new technology completed the Group have successfully replaced European and American competitors, breaking the monopoly of foreign products in strategic fields such as military industry, aviation, aerospace, and shipbuilding, and filling the domestic technological gap.