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              1. <blockquote id='2JkGBG'><q id='2JkGBG'><noscript id='2JkGBG'></noscript><dt id='2JkGBG'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='2JkGBG'><i id='2JkGBG'></i>
                PRODCUT SERIES
                Water based metal protective agent
                This series of products has the characteristics of long protection cycle, no addition of toxic and harmful substances, no residual white spots on the processed workpiece, environmentally friendly, safe for metal materials, and safe for operators;they are widely used in the rust prevention and protection of metal materials in the fields of aerospace, automobiles, molds, air conditioners, machinery processing, etc.Compared with ordinary water-based metal protective agents, the protection period is longer and the compatibility with metal working fluids, water-based cleaning agents, solvent based metal protective agents, etc. is better.
                Solvent based metal protective agent
                This series of products have good dehydration, salt spray resistance, moisture resistance, cleaning and lubricating performance; they are environmentally friendly, safe for metal materials, and safe for operators;Widely used in the medium to long-term storage and rust prevention of metal components in industries such as machinery, automobiles, and avionics;Compared with ordinary solvent based metal protective agents, it has better compatibility with water-based cleaning agents and water-based protective agents, removes water film on the metal surface, and suppresses corrosive substances such as hand sweat and water stains.
                Electrical equipment protective agent
                This series of products have a wide temperature range, high sensitivity; It has good compatibility with metals and non-metals, strong rust resistance of steel, excellent sagging performance, and can be diluted for use;Widely used for leak detection of process gases and medical gases in compressed air, compressed gas, air conditioning and other systems;Compared with ordinary rust and leak detection agents, it has high sensitivity and can quickly diagnose faults, with almost no foaming at non leakage points.
                This series of products can effectively remove moisture and moisture from electrical equipment, and form a protective film on its surface to protect electrical equipment from the erosion of humid and corrosive gases, maintain insulation strength, extend the service life of equipment, and reduce the occurrence of electrical faults;Widely used for moisture-proof and anti-corrosion treatment of various electrical equipment.
                Anti rust and leak detection agent