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                RAIL TRANSIT
                Sunshine new technology(tianjin)group co.,ltd. is committed to providing products for the maintenance work of the rail transit industry. Currently, the products have been applied in urban rail transit fields such as high-speed railways, ordinary railways, freight railways, as well as subways and light rails. The product involves a series of cleaning, protection, lubrication, sealing, etc., applied to the cleaning and maintenance of locomotive casings, air conditioning units, locomotive chassis, wheel sets, bogies, motors and other parts. We will provide customers with safe and efficient maintenance products and services.
                The products include insulator cleaning agent, air conditioning box and fin cleaning agent, electrical equipment cleaning agents, locomotive shell cleaning agent, large component cleaning (paint removal) agents, carriage interior cleaning agent, high-speed rail electric tea stove cleaning agent, component cleaning agent and rust loosening lubricant, rust prevention and leak detection agent, screw locking agents, and other maintenance supplies.