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                PRODCUT SERIES
                Solvent based cleaning agent
                This series of products has the characteristics of low odor, low skin irritation, fast volatility, non-combustible or even non-combustible, good compatibility with metal and non-metal materials, strong cleaning ability, environmentally friendly, without adding toxic and harmful substances, and in line with the EU RoHS standard.Among them, environmentally friendly hydrocarbon cleaning agents can be regenerated through distillation, effectively reducing cleaning costs.
                This series of products is widely used in the cleaning of precision electronic devices, electrical and mechanical equipment, mechanical parts, and various pollutants in industries such as petroleum, chemical, and power; Remove carbon deposits, heavy deposits, and sintered hardened substances from equipment such as engines and valves, as well as remove old paint films from the surfaces of substrates such as metal, wood,and concrete.
                Sunshine new technology group has higher quality requirements for solvent based cleaning agents compared to similar products.Sunshine new technology group is the standard setter for solvent based cleaning agents in the industry, participating in the development of national standards GB 38508-2020 "Content Limits for Volatile Organic Compounds in Cleaning Agents" and industry standards HG/T 5532-2019 "Alkane Cleaning Agent for Industrial Use"; There are a variety of products that can meet the needs of users under different working conditions; Do not add toxic or harmful substances; Better compatibility with metal and non-metallic materials, low odor, and non-toxic.

                ▄ Water based cleaning agent
                This series of products has good metal and non-metallic compatibility, strong cleaning power, excellent rust prevention performance, and no residual white spots after cleaning, without adding toxic and harmful substances; Good process compatibility, without affecting subsequent processes; After cleaning, the metal luster can be restored; Environmentally friendly, does not add toxic and harmful substances, and complies with EU RoHS directives and other characteristics.This series of products is widely used in the maintenance and cleaning of aircraft exteriors, locomotive surfaces, bogies, air conditioner fins and other equipment; spray or ultrasonic cleaning of various metal (steel, iron, copper, aluminum and other materials) parts; descaling and rust removal cleaning of boilers, heat exchangers and other parts; cleaning, rust removal and rust prevention of rusted steel substrates and parts, as well as the pre-start cleaning of complete sets of equipment, unit equipment, and long-distance pipelines.
                Compared to similar products, Huayang Xinxing Group has higher quality requirements for water-based cleaning agents. Huayang Xinxing Group has participated in the development of industry standards HG/T 5533-2019 "Acidic Scale Cleaning Agent" and group standards T/CSEA 11-2019 "Regulations for the use of water-based metal cleaning agents"; And led the development of the group standard T/QX003-2020 "External Surface Cleaning Agent for Rail Transit Vehicles". The product range is complete and can meet the needs of users under different working conditions; Do not add strong corrosive substances or toxic and harmful substances; Low corrosion rate on metals, good compatibility with non-metallic materials, can restore or maintain metal luster after cleaning, without residual white spots, and has good compatibility with metal working fluids, water-based rust inhibitors, rust preventive oils, etc.

                ▄ Semi water based cleaning agent
                This series of products can effectively remove surface pollutants from circuit boards; Good compatibility with commonly used electronic components and materials;Easy to operate, non-flammable non-explosive,non-irritating odor, environmentally friendly;Widely used in military electronics, aerospace, automotive electronics, instrumentation and other fields; Compared to traditional semi water-based circuit board cleaning agents, they have stronger cleaning capabilities and better compatibility with metal and non-metallic materials.
                Water based cleaning agent & semi water based cleaning agent