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                PRODCUT SERIES
                Emulsified metalworking fluid
                This series of products has good rust prevention, cleaning, lubrication, extreme pressure resistance, good cooling performance, strong resistance to impurities, friendly to various metals, and superior rust prevention effect on steel; Effectively extending the service life of cutting tools and the smoothness of machined parts. Widely used in various industries such as automotive parts, mechanical manufacturing, shipbuilding, aerospace, etc., for medium and heavy load difficult cutting of various machine tools and machining centers, as well as for general machining processes such as turning, drilling, and grinding.Sunshine new technology group has higher requirements for the quality of metal working fluid products, and has participated in the development of the group standard T/CSEA 12-2019 "Metal Working Fluids without Boron, Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Chlorine Additives".Emulsified metalworking fluid products have superior antibacterial properties, long service life of emulsions, reduced maintenance costs, low odor, and are easily accepted by operators.
                Microemulsion type metalworking fluid
                This series of products has good lubrication, cleaning, cooling, and rust resistance, is non-toxic, odorless, safe for human health, does not corrode equipment, and does not pollute the environment.Good surface treatment effect, excellent antibacterial performance, and can extend the service life of cutting fluid;good scouring performance, keeping the grinding wheel clean; good settling performance can effectively prevent scratches from suspended particles on processed products;it has both the high lubricity of emulsifiable metalworking fluids and the long service life of fully synthetic metalworking fluids.Widely used in various industries such as mechanical manufacturing, shipbuilding, aerospace, etc., high-speed cutting and grinding processes for various machine tools and machining centers.Sunshine new technology group has higher requirements for the quality of metalworking fluids, and participated in the formulation of the group standard T∕CSEA 12-2019 "Metal Working Fluids without Boron, Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Chlorine Additives".Microemulsion type metalworking fluid products have better antibacterial performance, a longer service life of the working fluid, low odor, and are easily accepted by operators.
                This type of product has good lubrication and corrosion resistance, which can significantly improve the flatness of processed workpieces and extend the service life of cutting tools; Effectively inhibits microbial growth and has a long service life; Excellent settling performance effectively avoids the scratching of suspended particles on processed products. Widely used in various machine tools and machining centers for cutting and grinding processes in industries such as automotive parts, mechanical manufacturing, and aerospace.Sunshine new technology group has higher requirements for the quality of metalworking fluids, and participated in the formulation of the group standard T∕CSEA 12-2019 "Metal Working Fluids without Boron, Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Chlorine Additives". Fully synthetic metalworking fluid products have better antibacterial performance, a longer service life of the working fluid, lower maintenance costs, and a low odor, which is easily accepted by operators.
                Fully synthetic metalworking fluid